Note 10 Multi-client library
The multi-client library consists of geophysical data to be licensed to customers on a non-
exclusive basis. Directly attributable costs associated with the production and development of
multi-client projects such as data acquisition and processing, and direct project costs are
capitalized. Cost directly attributable to data acquisition and processing include vessel costs,
payroll and related costs for crew, project management, agent, other related project costs,
hardware/software costs and mobilization costs when relocating a vessel to the survey areas.
The library of multi-client seismic data and interpretations is presented at cost reduced by
accumulated amortization and impairment.
Straight-line amortization
After a project is completed, a straight -line amortization is applied. The straight-line
amortization is assigned over the remaining useful life. Each project is evaluated individually for a
lifetime and the estimates are revised at least annually.
Accelerated amortization of seismic data
No amortization is recognized until the point in time when the license is transferred to the
customer, which would typically be upon completion of processing of the survey and granting
of access to the finished survey or delivery of the finished data. When a project is completed
and after pre-funding is recognized, recognition of accelerated amortization may be necessary
in the event the recoverable value (present value of expected late sales) is lower than net book
value of the survey (capitalized cost of the survey).
Following the adoption of the straight-line amortization policy for completed surveys,
recognition of accelerated amortization of a library may be necessary if sales on a survey is
realized disproportionately sooner within that survey’s useful life.
Impairment evaluation multi-client library
Before the library is completed, the Group tests for impairment at least annually. To ensure that
value in use above net book value, the Group will perform an additional impairment test after
each significant sale is recognized, as each customer will only acquire the full dataset once. Any
impairment of the multi-client library is recognized immediately and presented as ‘Impairment of
the multi-client library’ in the statement of profit and loss.
According to IFRS the multi-client library should be tested for impairment if the circumstances
indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. An impairment loss is recognized for
the amount by which the asset’s carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount. The
recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s fair value less costs of disposal and value in use.
The Group performs quarterly testing for impairment where the sales estimate is updated for
each quarterly evaluation. The industry is known for uncertainty of when the late sales will
happen, rather than the size of the late sales. For financial purposes the Group used sales
estimates weighted in addition to worst, low, mid and high probability where the next two years
was estimated in detail. The WACC used for calculated NPV (Net Present Value) of Utsira is
10,10 % similar to comparable companies. Together, the weighted sales expectations and the
WACC comprise the key input factors to the Group's impairment testing of multi-client library.
WACC used for MCL Egypt is 12.44% due to higher country risk.
A decrease in the company's sales expectations exceeding 1,5% would result in an impairment
in the multi-client library. Similarly, an increase in WACC to 10,7% would result in an impairment
in the multi-client library.